Using ASP.NET bundle in Umbraco

It’s easy to setup bundle in Umbraco thru 5 steps

1. Install Optimization packages

Open package manager console then enter the script below to install the package:

install-package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization

2. Add register bundles

We should follow ASP.NET MVC pattern that create a BundleConfig class inside App_Start folder:

App_Start is not an “ASP.NET folder”, it’s just a convention that we should put in all classes which run in startup.

Don’t forget to using namespace using System.Web.Optimization;

3. Call the bundle registration

Normally all startup codes are called in Global.asax.cs, but in Umbraco we don’t have one and you’d better not create one. There is a better way offered by Umbraco that is create a class inherit from IApplicationEventHandler:

You then have to implement 3 methods, but the one you should pay attention at is OnApplicationStarting, here we can call the bundle registration code.

4. Render bundle in your layout

Open up your layout, say Layout.cshtml

There might be an error kind of you’re missing some namespace. To fix that open up the Web.config inside Views folder and add tag:

<add namespace="System.Web.Optimization" />

For production, don’t forget to remove attribute debug="true" or set it to false in Web.config

  <compilation debug="false">...</compilation>

5. Tell Umbraco about your virtual path

Open up Web.config and search for umbracoReservedPaths config, then append the value ~/bundles/ to it.

<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="~/umbraco,~/install/,~/bundles/" />

That’s all.