common issues when using nvm on Windows

nvm node version manager for Windows

1. Install notes

You should:

1. Uninstall nodejs first
2. Delete the node install folder Program Files\nodejs and npm folder %AppData%\npm

%AppData% usually is C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming

2. Install nvm

Download link above.

You may face the error:

exit status 1: 'C:\Users\<username>' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

that’s because the nvm’s root contains space (i.e. “Program Files”). The solution is set nvm’s root to an non-space folder i.e C:\nodejs\nvm

cd C:
mkdir nodejs
cd nodejs
mkdir nvm
nvm root C:\nodejs\nvm

After moving the root directory, you may face the issue:

exec: "C:\\nodejs\\nvm\\elevate.cmd": file does not exist

To fix this, just copy all the files from old root to new root.

Your old root might be:

# or 

Done! You’re good to go.