Visual Studio 2022 Installing Android Emulatorv31.2.10 "Specified argument was out of the range of valid values"

Stackoverflow question

Visual Studio 2022 Xamarin Android SDK installing Emulator “Operation Failed: Installing Android Emulatorv31.2.10”


You need this component installed to install any emulator, but VS keeps saying “Specified argument was out of the range of valid values”. Below are steps to fix that:


  1. Set full control permission to your local user to the Android folder

Android full control

then uncheck “Read-only” checkbox in the General tab.

  1. Accept all licenses

Open cmd at (default) folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\cmdline-tools\7.0\bin, type this to accept all licenses:

sdkmanager.bat --licenses
  1. Install the emulator

still at that folder, type this:

sdkmanager.bat --install emulator

After this step, open sdkmanager in Visual Studio, you’ll see Android Emulator component is installed. Now you can open device manager to install new emulator.